Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Payback Movie Hot Video

In Payback, Stark’s New York of 1963 becomes a nameless and dreary metropolis with a date one cannot put a finger on.

1 comment:

  1. This movie was an underwhelming, chaotic blend of several different movies. I'm going to break down several of the different elements of the movie and why they either worked or really did not work. I'll start with the villain:

    Thanos, as a whole, is a pretty good villain. He is intimidating and the movie gave him a good script. The problem is that his powers are so freakin inconsistent. Guardians of the Galaxy already established just how powerful infinity stones are, but Infinity War seems to forget that. In the battle on Titan, Iron Man and about five others are able to hold Thanos down and nearly get his gauntlet off. At this point, Thanos has four infinity stones. Sorry, but there is no way they could restrain him at that point.
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